Paintings > Women Strong: There Is A Storm In My Heart

Today is a Different and More Revealing Day for Women Worldwide. Finally Women are standing together as once they did to get voting privileges they NOW stand as One against the Toxic Male sexual Abuses. This is the 21st Century and not ALL Women Worldwide have Freedom of Being A Woman. So many countries see Women as a threat to the security of Men, including the USA. Though societies and cultures have long been controlling Women it is time for them to face a Reparation for their actions for the rest of their lives on Planet Earth. Apollogies, sorries and words of meaningless regret DO NOT CUT IT ANYMORE! ACTIONS OF CHANGES IN ATTITUDES, TREATMENT OF WOMEN AND RESPECT FOR THEIR BEINGS are what ALL Women today want.

There Is A Storm In My Heart is a declaration of the Woes of Women Worldwide in all the 4 Race Colors on this Planet. No Women is exempt! Changes start with self at home and protests taken seriously must be continued in personal space and in all public environments not excluding religious cultural tabu. Violence towards Women is NOT ACCEPTABLE AS GOD'S WISH! A false security of all those who believe this montra. Women can effect change by simply choosing to deal with their lives by being strong in their resolve to make necessary changes in the way they receive and deal with controlling issues of men. Women are Beings of Great Compassion and reflect the Creator's Law To Love and Be Loved In Return.

In this troubled times facing wars and political upheavals Women must stick together in support of each other doing nothing less than seeing themselves as Whole and Necessary to All civilizations on this Planet Earth.

There Is A Storm In My Heart
18 x 24